Halfway through the TWW

We inseminated last week for the third TTC cycle. Things went fine – the actual process of the transfer and insem is getting easier every time – but the timing was a little difficult to predict this month, so we made our best guess and decided to err on the side of a bit early.
R has a feeling that this wasn’t the cycle for us, but she said she felt pregnant the last two times and wasn’t so I’m taking it as a good sign!
We’ve also been discussing changing KDs for the next cycle. Our current KD has had some personal (not directly related to us) changes in the last month. He hasn’t expressed that he wants to stop, but things aren’t going so incredibly well with him (his sperm analysis didn’t look great or really even good but we decided to go with him for a little while at least) and the new changes have made us both a bit uncomfortable. There is also someone else that R is thinking of asking, so we’ll see how all of that pans out for us!
In non-TTC life, it was the week before finals for R and a transitioning job week for me (definitely in a good way!), so things have been more than a little bit hectic. I worry a bit about the effect that all of that will have, but it really, really has made this last week go by faster and I’m very grateful for that.

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