At-Home Insems

We got a comment a few days ago asking about inseminating at home and how we learned what to do.

Firstly, thanks for commenting, Tory! I’ll do my best to answer your question.

I talked a little bit about this the first entry. We bought The New Essential Guide to Lesbian Conception, Pregnancy and Birth (seriously the best resource we’ve found). And read it more or less cover-to-cover. It has a ton of really helpful information and guides you through basically the whole process, including a bit about the logistics of home insems.

We also joined a community on livejournal for lesbian ttc. There is also Rainbow Conceptions. We found it really helpful to join groups like this because you get to learn from other people’s experiences (good and bad), and you have a group of people that are going through or have gone through what you are going through there to help out and give you pointers.

As far as I know, there’s no class on how to do at-home insems, though the more I think about it, the more I think there ought to be if there isn’t – you might have more luck if you live in San Fransisco or New York than we do here in the Midwest.

All that said, the best advice I read was to RELAX and ENJOY the experience. It is totally natural to be nervous, but things probably aren’t going to go perfectly the first time (they certainly didn’t for us!) so try to relax and enjoy the experience!  It sounds cheesy, but you are making a baby! You don’t want to be doing this magical wonderful thing and all you can think about is how many ways you can mess it up. R and I laugh and crack jokes alot during the actual process and it really helps us from getting too stressed out about the whole thing.

Best of luck to you and your partner when you start inseminating!

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One response to “At-Home Insems

  1. Thank you so much for responding… I appreciate that 🙂 I already have that book too.. Now it’s time to read it from cover to cover… LOL

    On my way to look for that community on livejournal. I appreciate all the advice and best wishes on your conception as well.

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